Funtastic Friday #169

We're getting ready for Spring Break next week!
And St. Patrick's day too.
Do you have any fun traditions for that day of green?

A delicious waffle bar that is as colorful as the rainbow! Fresh fruit, cream, and waffles combine for the perfect St. Patrick's Day breakfast (or dinner!) that the whole family will love.

Brandy has this cute  rainbow waffle bar for the kids.

It reminds me of our Mini Fruit Pizzas.

How about some Leprechan Trail Mix

with green M&Ms for St. Pats.
More St. Patrick's Day ideas {here}

Now on to this week's Funtastic Link Party!

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We would love for you all to follow us on social media.
A delicious waffle bar that is as colorful as the rainbow! Fresh fruit, cream, and waffles combine for the perfect St. Patrick's Day breakfast (or dinner!) that the whole family will love.
Rainbow Waffle Bar @ Gluesticks

Cristy's favorite - DIY Modern Brush Stroke Vase @ Giggles Galore

Peeps in a Nest Easter Treat - Need a fun hands on Easter treat? Have your kids help you made these Peeps in a Bird Nest with chocolate and sprinkles. They will disappear quickly!
Sherry's favorite - Peeps In A Nest @ Diana Rambles

This is such a simple St. Patrick's Day gift or party favor idea!
Donna's favorite - Simple St. Patrick's Day Gift Idea @ Artful Homemaking

Oatmeal Pie - An old fashioned dessert just like Grandma used to make!
Debra's favorite - Oatmeal Pie @ Simply Stacie

Michele's favorite - I Did It Again @ Applestreet Cottage

A delicious waffle bar that is as colorful as the rainbow! Fresh fruit, cream, and waffles combine for the perfect St. Patrick's Day breakfast (or dinner!) that the whole family will love.
Lacie and Heidi's favorite - Rainbow Waffle Bar @ Gluesticks

If you’re a featured blogger, please grab a button to place on your blog (right-click on the image and save the image to your computer):
If you’re linking up and joining the party, please grab a button or link back to Building Our Hive or one of the party hosts (right-click on the image and save the image to your computer): Funtastic-Friday-Link-Party-Thumbnail-150x
We will also share your post on social media if sharing buttons are readily available in your post. Help grow the Funtastic Friday link party. Tweet about the party, please!

All features are pinned to Building Our Hive's Pinterest board.
Disclaimer: By submitting a link to this blog hop, you are giving me permission to share and/or feature your blog post and image on social media and on my blog, Building Our Hive. All links shared will either link back to the blog hop (link party) or to your blog.


  1. Post as many links as you like
  2. Family friendly posts only
  3. Old posts are welcome
  4. Comments are greatly appreciated
  5. Show fellow bloggers link love

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Thanks for hosting a great party! Wish I had time to visit all the posts!!


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