Are you working on any projects this summer?
With this summer heat, I'm moving slow,
but hope to get a few things organized and some projects I've been putting off started.
Got to have a few snacks to see us through,
like Raquel's cute treats.
Adding in those gummy sharks for summer fun
and as you watch "shark week".
How about getting a jump on Christmas!?
You can find some of our summertime favorites for yourself or get a jump on buying your gifts {here} and {here} and {here}
Our current favorite book list {here}
Jazz up your outdoor spaces with the ideas {here}
Munch on one of our favorite salsas {here}
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Heidi @ Building Our Hive
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Michele @ CoastalBohemian
Party Rules
1. Post up to 4 links.
2. Family-friendly posts only.
3. Old posts are welcome.
4. Comment on at least one post at the party.
5. Follow the hosts on as many platforms as you can.
We are your online friends.
The link up is from an old party that has ended...I will be back later to link up!!
Debbie-Dabble Blog