Funtastic Friday #324

 Decorating for Easter and spring is a favorite of mine.

Gotta have an Easter bunny as part of your décor!

How about crafting your own...

Love these image transferred bunnies from Lireta.

Here's our own wood block bunny
Lot's of fun bunny crafts to make this season!

Looking forward to all your Easter inspiration at this week's link party.
Let's get to it!

Welcome to this week's FUNTASTIC FRIDAY LINK PARTY!

Meet your

Please follow us on Social Media!

Features from last week...


Themed Link-up for WW recipes from Grammy's Grid


Michele's pick:

Homemade Peeps from Organized Island

Angela's pick:
Heidi's pick:

Pascua Rabbits with Transfer from El Refugio de Lirtea

Melynda's pick:

Donna's pick: 

Crock Pot Cheesy Beef Spaghetti from Flour on My Face

Congratulations to all our featured bloggers! 
Please grab a party button to feature on your blog!

1. Post up to 4 links.
2. Family-friendly posts only.
3. Old posts are also welcome.
4. Comment on at least one post at the party.
5. Follow the hosts on as many platforms as you can. 
We are your online friends. Let's interact, comment, and enjoy one another while supporting each other.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Thank you for hosting each week! I appreciate the time it takes for you to do so and then to visit all the links to choose features for the following week......
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  2. Thanks so much for hosting! That's amazing that my WW Recipes Themed Linkup post had the most views since only one person linked up! Go figure, huh? I’m linking up with REPEATING SNOW COUPLES, 10 TIPS TO HELP IMPROVE YOUR MEMORY, and A THEMED LINKUP FOR CRAFTS AND DIY.


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