How to Get Tough Stains Out of Baby Cloths


Moms you know how tough it is to keep baby cloths clean
with the constant spit up and spills. 
But I recently discovered a laundry hack that really works!

I have this sweet blessing dress that all my girls wore
but had been stained over the years.
And no matter how hard I tried, I could never gets those yellowing stains completely out.
I wanted to frame the dress with bonnet and crocheted shoes
as a memento. But needed to finally get those stains out!

You'll need just 3 things:
Oxi Clean
Large pot

Fill your large stock pot half way with water and bring to a boil.
I know this might make you skeptical putting clothing in boiling water,
and I was nervous, especially since this dress is sweater fabric 
and because of the dress importance, but I can reassure you
that the only side effect was a slight tightening of the fabric weave.

After the water has come to a boil,
take off the heat. Use the small size Oxi Clean scoop
for 2 scoops of Oxi Clean
(or equivalent to about 1/4 cup)
and SLOWLY pour into the water.
The heat will cause a foam to rise up.

Put the garment in the pot and push down with a spoon so it's soaked.
Let it sit there for about 12 minutes.
Then take the whole pot and dump the water and garment into your washing machine
Don't add any other detergents, just put on a quick wash setting.
This will rinse it out and spin out the water.

Your stains should be gone.
But if you have a piece like mine with old stains that have set over years,
you might have to repeat the process.
It was looking tons better after the first wash 
but I still had a little yellow on the lace color so repeated the process.

After the second go around,
I laid it out on a sweater dryer to air dry.


 Went form this to this!

Here is all framed!
