Churn & Dash- Quilt Block of the Month- August

 This block's design is a variation of some squares we've made for other block patterns. 

Get 1/4 yard of two different fabrics. 

I'll refer to them as your background and patterned fabrics.

Don't you just love this little lobster pattern? 

Reminds me of summer days in Maine,

buying crab and lobster at local pop-up stands to cook for dinner.

Cut 1 strip in each color 2”x12”

Cut 1 square of background color 3 1/4”

Cut 2 of the background color 3 3/4”

Cut 2 of pattern fabric color 3 3/4"

 Take the four 3 3/4” squares and put opposite patterns on top of each other with right sides                   together. Sew diagonally on each.

Cut 1/4” on each side of the sewn seam to get 4 triangles. 

 Fold open and iron. You’ll have 4 squares.

Sew your 2 long strips of fabric together with a 1/4" seam and iron open.

 Cut your sewn strip piece into four 3 1/4” square pieces.

Arrange your pieces in this pattern:

 Sew each row of 3 together with an 1/8” seam.

(Make sure to have a smaller seam to give you some extra fabric in the end to make your final 8x8" block.)

 Iron back seams.

Sew the 3 strips together for your block with a 1/8” seam. 

Iron. Slightly trim the block sides to square up to an 8” square block.

I love this pattern.
You can print the instructions here:

It looks intricate but it's all in how you arrange your squares.
And we're learning the tricks of the trade for making squares with 2 different diagonal fabrics and horizontal fabrics which are used in so many block patterns.
Over half way through the year of blocks!
Think "back to school fabrics" for next month!
You'll need 5 different fabrics (one should be red or yellow)


  1. The lobster fabric is so cute! I tried quilting a long time ago but never mastered it so now I just enjoy seeing how the squares turn into something beautiful. Thanks for sharing at the #HomeMattersParty!


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