9 Square Block- Quilt Block of the Month- June

 Inspired by summer pic-nics, 

leads us to this month's block design- the 9 square. 

You'll need 2 colors, 1/4 yard of each for this block.

June strawberries and gingham tables cloths

 influenced my fabric choice for this month. 

Cut 3 rectangle pieces 3.5"x 9".
Set them in this alternating pattern.

Sew them into 2 blocks with a 1/4" seam.
Iron seams on back and iron front. 

Trim one side of each block to get it level.

Measure 3.5" and cut into strips
like this:

You should get 2 strips at 3.5" out of each block- 4 strips total.
(You'll have some material left from each block that is shorter and this won't be used.)

Set out your strips into a checkerboard block pattern
as seen below.
(Now, you'll have one extra strip that won't be used.)

Sew the 2 top strips together and then sew them to the bottom strip.
Iron seams on back and press front.

Next, square off the block by trimming 1/4 to 1/2 inch off each side,
to make it even and a square with the final block measuring 8" x 8".

Love this block and that trick
of making the strips to form the checkerboard pattern!
Print the 9 square block pattern {here}

Let's go on a pic-nic!
