Choose Love Countdown to Valentines Day

We could all use more love and kindness in the world.
So count down your days to Valentines by showing some love!
Our list has 14 simple acts of kindness to perform each day leading up to the 14th!

Pick any one from the list to do on any one day. 
Starting late in the game--no problem.
Start at any time and choose any act of kindness to begin.
These are geared more towards teens but anyone can participate. 

We dropped the list and a treat off to each girl participating on the 1st.

Buy a pack of these Walmart sugar cookies, bag up and tie with a cute bow.
A simple, fast & cute treat!

Print your countdown list {here}
(the original countdown was made during pandemic- question 1)

NEW version of the countdown {HERE}

For teens, I especially love #3.

Choose to love yourself because YOU are awesome!
Always a good reminder, that you really are spectacular. 

Some acts of love might be hard, like #5.
But the most of these acts of kindness are really simple.
When you serve others, you not only uplift them but it make you happier too!
Win, win!
So let's show some kindness!
Enjoy feeling and sharing some love in February!


  1. This is such a beautiful idea. I love the list of ideas. And, I love those sugar cookies! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Thursday Favorite Things!

  2. What a wonderful idea and I love the items on your list! Bravo! I'd like to feature this post at Tuesdays with a Twist. -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  3. Your lovely post has been pinned and shared on Facebook! Thank you for sharing at Tuesdays with a Twist! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  4. Popping back in to let you know that I'm featuring this great idea at the Thursday Favorite Things link party, starting this morning. I'm glad you shared it. :)

  5. I love this! I'm going to adapt to something similar for my kiddos. Thanks for the idea.


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