"a great work" Teen Painting Kit Activity


We've had to get creative with our church youth group activities during the Pandemic.
Teens are so tired of being on Zoom, 
but we found that delivering a kit with supplies for an activity we could do together on Zoom 
was a win! 
We'd text a few days before to get an RSVP of who would be Zooming into the activity.
The RSVP would secure their kit to be dropped off the day before 
or day of
and let us know how many kits to put together. 
We've had so much more participation this way and the girls love getting the activity kits!

Each year our church has a new scriptural based theme for youth.
This year it's: 
Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing
for ye are laying the foundation of 
a great work.
And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.
Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind

Here is a fantastic video and theme song 
performed by Strive to Be and Nik Day
that you might want to include in your activity

Let's get to it!

We thought it would be fun for the girls to create their own "great works" of art
as they were inspired by the theme. 

Each kit included items from the dollar store:
4x6 canvas
 (comes in a pack of 3! because Zoom time is limited, all the canvases were pre-painted with a solid blue background so the girls could go right to painting their image)
paint set
one extra brush (comes in a set of 6, gave each girl one)
plastic or Styrofoam plate (this is for color mixing)
color mixing guide (find free online & shrink down)

We also thought it would be fun to have the option of putting the theme itself on their artwork. 
I cut "a great work" out of vinyl for each kit.
Also included a mini popsicle stick to apply the vinyl. 
I had some left over mini bags that the vinyl, stick and color mixing guide went in, 
so these little items wouldn't get "lost" in the kit bag. 

I used a simple brown paper lunch sack to hold all the kit items. 
Of course I had to attach a cute tag for the kit!

a GREAT work!

Printed on fun scrapbook paper. 
Print your own tags 
cut out your tags

cut 2" strips of ribbon

Staple the tag with folded ribbon at the top of your filled bag.

You've got your kits!
Divide and conquer- have leaders or older girls help drop them off at all the houses.
This was an activity for all the girls in our youth program.
So our older 15-17 yr old girls conducted the Zoom activity.
New girls to the program were introduced (an older girl called earlier in the week and got a list of favorites and interesting facts of the newbies, they also dropped off that girl's favorite candy to her house the day of the activity, just to get her really excited to be a part of our young women group), watched the theme song video on a shared screen, an older girl shared her thoughts on the theme (2 minutes), a leader lead the project instructions and as the girls worked on their art projects, another leader asked each girl on the Zoom a random "get to know you question" or "would you rather" type question as the girls painted. At the end, they showed their work to the group or sent me a picture of their finished art works. Here are a few:

The kit prep was totally worth it.
We got so much positive feedback from the girls and some parents on how fun this "social distanced" activity was!
What "great work" will you accomplish this year?
