I Will Go & Do Printable

Have you ever been asked to do something hard?
Most times it takes all our strength, energy, determination 
and some heavenly help
to get through and accomplish what we've been asked to do.

This year's youth theme addresses this very topic.

And we've got the theme as a printable!

 PRINT our 8x10 on card stock to slip into a binder cover
or trim down to fit an 8x10 or 5x7 frame. 
And we have mini themes too!

I love these theme minis!
You can PRINT and cut 9 cards from one sheet.

Use them as scripture markers,
handouts or tags.
I'm going to attach them to some candy 
and hand out to a class of girls I teach
as a reminder to "go and do" a goal that each of them has made this week. 

And because we love our Brazilian friends...
(E porque amamos nossos amigos Brasileiros)
I've got the theme in Portuguese!
(O tema em Português!)
Large (ampla) 8x10 PRINT {impressão}
and the minis (muito pequeno) PRINT {impressão}

And for a bonus....
Here is David Archuleta sharing his thoughts on "going and doing"
and his terrific song about the theme {here}
You can also find some youth stories {here}

Hope you enjoy these theme printables! 
Let us know in comments if you'd like to see more inspirational printables ;)
