Printable Soda Can General Conference Reminder

It's that first weekend in October and April
when we get inspired, uplifting messages
 from modern day apostles, prophets and other followers of Jesus Christ. 
You can go {here} to find current or past talks on all kinds of topics.
Definitely worth checking out!
I teach an early morning seminary class to teens
and like to provide a fun reminder for them to watch conference.
You can find all our conference printables {here}

This year's reminder comes from Robert D. Hales:
"In conference we CAN 
receive the word of the Lord meant just for us....
this is possible because the Holy Ghost
carries the word of the Lord unto our hearts
in words we can understand."

Plus tips on how to prepare for conference, pondering what you learn and then proceeding by applying what you've learned. 

Use what ever color of card stock you want.

Print, cut and attach the can reminders to full size or mini soda cans.
3 conference reminders fit on a sheet.
I went with attaching them to mini cans, 
easier to transport to class and the mini cans are just really cute,
so when printing, click print, then more settings and click the option to fit 2 to a page.
This will print the 3 soda can reminders to half their size--the perfect size to attach to a mini can. 

Just use a simple rubber band to hold the reminder.

Enjoy conference!
You CAN get something out of it that will enrich your life.

print your copy {HERE}
