Getting ready for a kitchen makeover!
I'm beyond excited, this is a long time in the making
and we're finally doing it!
Today I'm sharing some of our plans for the remodel.
I've been collecting some inspiration on Pinterest for awhile.
So many beautiful kitchens out there with a farmhouse feel.

I'm going with simple white Shaker styled cabinets.
Jamie has just the {look} I'm going for.
Still deciding on the hardware...
I definitely like the long handles as shown on the drawer but I would put those on the cabinets
and for the drawers either a longer handle or cup pull. Any thoughts?
Here's a possibility.

Subway tile has that clean look and is timeless. (source {here})
Going with glossy white 3x6 with a very light gray grout.

We looked at granite but kept going back to quartz.
Love, love this white quartz with the light gray veins.
It's called Tipperary by Arizona and worth the extra $.
This is the item we're splurging on.

We have a corner nook in the kitchen and will put some floating wood shelves.
Just like Shanty 2 Chic has {here}
Like the chunky wood piece and stain color.
Let's talk wood vent hoods.
Coastal Style has the look I'm after {here}
Kind of a simple Shaker look, concealing the vent.

Ok, had to channel some inner Joanna and use ship lap.
I love the look of it on {this} island.
We'll be doing the same on ours.
Finally, flooring.

Currently we have a dark wood floor in our living room
and a white washed Saltillo through out the kitchen, entry, walkways & laundry room with carpet in the family room.
We're taking all the Saltillo and fam. room carpet up
and putting in this porcelain faux wood tile.
It looks great up against the dark wood in the living room
and will be easy to clean in the kitchen.
Looking for a nice rug for the family room now.
That's where we're at.
Demo is underway and we'll keep you posted with all the before and after!
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