Anniversary Cake

It's our silver anniversary this month! 
Can't believe 25 years!
Through all the laughs and tears, ups and downs, years of schooling, military diployment, moves and six kids, we've made it to this milestone.  

My husband is a "foodie" so I'd thought I'd surprise him with a homemade mini anniversary cake.
Kind of reminded me of the mini top layer of our wedding cake (although ours was a white cake with fruit filling---memories)
I started out with this chocolate cake recipe from Add A Pinch.  It's similar to our Texas Cowboy Cake but has more of a dark chocolate taste.  I pretty much followed the recipe but took out the espresso powder. 
I put the wet ingredients (except for water) in mixing bowl and combined the dry ingredients in a separate bowl.  Turn the mixer on low and slowly add in the dry ingredients.  Then add the boiling water.  Mix on high for a minute or two.

I prepared my baking pans with circles of parchment paper on the bottom and sprayed lightly with cooking spray.  
I can't say enough about lining your pans with parchment paper.  It makes your cakes so easy to get out of the pan after they are baked and easier to handle. 
 Just trace around the bottom of your pan with a pencil on the parchment.  Cut around the circle a little smaller than your traced line.  Perfect.

Bake as directed. 
 Your mini cakes will bake faster.  I poured the extra batter in a large cake pan to bake extra cake!  

Historically, traditional gifts for wedding anniversaries began in the Roman Empire when husbands crowned their wives with a silver wreath on their 25th anniversary.  (that would be cool)  Through time, every 5 year anniversary was associated with a certain gift. In 1937 the Jewelers of America (of course they came up with a gem assigned to each year)  and other groups expanded the list to every year up to 25 and then every 5 years after that. It's kind of fun to see what the gift items are:

After the cakes have been baked and are cooling, it's time to make a fun cake topper!
I thought a simple number would be nice,
of course with a little glitz of glitter
had to be Silver, since 25 is that color.

You can make a number cake topper by using our 
{Numbers Reversed} template.

 I picked up some glittered, silver card stock at Hobby Lobby.   Ran it through my printer (print on the back, non glittered side) for your number template.   When you cut out the reversed image on the back, it will be the correct direction on the good side of your paper. 


Hot glue your numbers on some toothpicks.

These are awesome!

For the frosting.  I found a really, delicious chocolate buttercream recipe at Savory Sweet Life.  So milk chocolatey!  It is a really thick frosting, so I would recomend decreasing the powdered sugar by maybe 1/2 cup or add another Tablespoon of milk (that's what I did).  Having it a little thinner  helps with spreading it on your cake.  And you want to spread it on right after mixing the frosting.  [after you've tasted a little of it, of course :) ]
Start adding your layers.  I've got 3 tiers.

Another cake tip:
 When frosting a cake, take 3 strips of wax paper and put it down on your cake stand or plate.  You just want it barely under the edges of  your cake round.  Then when you are frosting the sides, extra frosting will get on the wax paper, not all over your cake stand.  After frosting, gently pull out the paper.  You'll have a nice clean stand around your cake. 


Here's to another 25!



  1. This cake looks amazing!!! So chocolaty and sweet! :-) Happy Anniversary! Saying hello from the weekend retreat! :-)

  2. Thanks Cathy! Glad you stopped by via the retreat! Have a great weekend :)


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