Pinch Proof!

When I was little, I always made sure to wear something green on St. Patricks's Day to avoid getting pinched!  A green t-shirt, hair ribbon, shoe laces or even just a shamrock sticker.  You can be "pinch proof" this year simply with some green nail polish.  Give some to a friend and attach this cute  printable tag. There are a lot of shades of green out there. I found this light green mint polish at Target.  Click on the link below for the tag.

Here is a bonus tag that just says "pinch proof".  Add it to any green gift you're giving out.  I found these cute socks in Target's dollar section.  Fun, last minute gift for a care package.  

Happy St. Patrick's Day, no pinches this year!


  1. Those are cute ideas, I really like the light minty green nailpolish, it's not too much green, haha. Thank you for sharing at Sweet Inspiration, have a nice weekend!

  2. Love that nail polish color Heidi and the little printable label. Pinning


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