Our family has one big Easter basket for everyone to share on Easter morning. I've wanted to get a new basket and found this bushel basket that would be perfect. I picked it up at Hobby Lobby when they were 50% off. (you can always use the 40% off coupon from their website for items not on sale) The diameter of this basket is 11". I decided to paint and line the basket.
Supplies you'll need:
1 yard of fabric (I used a textured muslin)
measuring tape, large piece of paper, scissors
sewing machine
1/4" wide elastic
For the lining, first trace around the bottom of the basket on some butcher paper. Trace an extra inch around the basket.
Cut out your circle. This is the pattern piece for the liner bottom.
Next, measure around the basket rim and add 2". Mine will then measure 37" wide. (Write down these measurements on your circle pattern.)
Now measure the height of the basket and add 3". Mine will then be 11 1/2" tall.
Pin your circle pattern to the fabric and cut out.
Measure your side dimensions on the fabric and draw out cutting line with a pencil. Mine is 11 1/2" x 37".
With right sides together, sew the side seam, 1/4" in from side of fabric. Then on one side, sew 2 wide basting stitches, leaving a space between the start and stop of your 2 stitches.
Slightly gather around this opening by pulling your stitching.
Pin this gathered edge around the circle, with right sides together. Let out or pull in your gathering stitches as needed so it matches up to that bottom circle. Sew around.
Then on the opposite side opening, iron over 1/4" of the fabric.
Fold that edge over, measuring about 1/2" and pin.
Sew along the ironed edge and leave about a 3/4" opening. You are making a casing for your elastic.
Take your elastic and measure around the rim of the basket. Overlap the elastic by a 1/2" and cut.
Put a safety pin on the end of your elastic and thread it through the casing.
When you come out the other side, pin the end pieces by overlapping that 1/2" and zig-zag stitch it together. Push the elastic back into the casing and sew the opening closed.
Place it in the basket with the good sides showing. Fold the top of the lining over the rim of the basket. If you have a handle, fit it around that as best as you can. Liner is done!
If you want to paint your basket, take out the liner. I wanted a "white wash" or weathered look to the paint. I chose Americana Sea Breeze and watered it down.
To do this, pour some craft acrylic paint into a cup and add water.
Mix and paint the outside of your basket. Make sure you have something under it to catch the drips.
You could even just paint your basket and forget the liner all together. Just add your Easter grass! But I love how this basket looks lined. Add a cute bow on the side. Ready for some Easter treats!
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